quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2020

2020 - O Ano Pandêmico

Happy New Year 2021 quotes for friends | Business Insider India

Enfim o ano acabou. Sim, o ano em que descobrimos que nossas vidas são tão frágeis quanto nossos egos, e tao limitadas quanto nosso conhecimento. Descobrimos também que nem todos aqueles com quem compartilhamos algum tipo de vínculo compartilham dos mesmos valores e apreço pela vida. Descobrimos também que tolerância e empatia deveria ser matéria obrigatória em todas as escolas, pois está faltando. Por falar em escolas, descobrimos que mais do que nunca, professores são profissionais mais do que essenciais e mais do que sub-valorizados. Se reinventam e fazem o impossivel e o impensável com os recursos discponíveis. Muitas vezes, risíveis. Outra classe de profissionais que se mostraram ainda mais imprescindíveis, e igualmente subestimados são enfermeiros, médicos, pesquisadores de saúde e todos aqueles na linha de frente de cuidados com pacientes direta ou indiretamente atingidos pelo vírus, mas certamente afetados pela pandemia. Psicologicamente, moralmente, financeiramente, inevitavelmente.

Desde Janeiro vivemos e convivemos com a sensação de que nossas vidas estão em risco permanente. Aqui em casa, mudamos nossos hábitos basicos imediatamente, sempre pensando em nos manter vivos, saudáveis, enquanto observamos o mundo lá fora. Tudo era desinfetado, desde nossas mãos e roupas, passando por todas as embalagens de alimentos até as janelas de nosso apartamento, afinal, não sabíamos muito sobre a transmissão pelo ar, e como moramos em andar baixo, melhor prevenir do que remediar, diriam os antigos. 

Digo a todos que as primeiras oito semanas de confinamento, entre janeiro e março, foram cruciais para a contenção do vírus. No condomínio em que moramos existem cerca de 25 torres/blocos numa área relativamente grande, mas sem muitas amenidades. Cerca de cinco mil pessoas moram nesse condomínio, e o movimento de pessoas externas é sempre grande, já que tudo aqui em Shanghai (e na maioria das cidades da China) funciona através de comércio eletrônico e serviços de entrega expressa. Durante essa primeira fase, as entregas foram todas suspensas, exceto alimentos e artigos de primeira necessidade e todas as encomendas eram barradas na entrada principal do condominio, que cona com outras 2 entradas auxiliares, que foram temporariamente fechadas. Quem morasse no complexo tinha que apresentar seu crachá, tirar temperatura e estar usando máscara para poder sair até o local de coleta. Qualquer outra pessoa estranha era barrada. nem mesmo as Ayi (pessoas que trabalhavam nas casas como empregadas) foram permitidas de entrar, pelo menos pelas primeiras 6 semanas. 

 Durante esse período, que incluiu o Ano Novo Chinês, vôos domésticos e internacionais foram interrompidos, viagens de trem canceladas e estradas bloqueadas. Ao final de Fevereiro, todo o stress e nervosismo presente no ar, nas notícias e informações que chegavam de todos os lugares, as conversas com parentes e amigos no Brasil e em outros países, tudo isso começava a pesar. Já eram quase 10 semanas de pandemia, e o apartamento que se tornara também escritório, sala de aula, academia, parquinho e consultório de terapia já tinha visto de tudo, inclusive surtos nervosos de todos os membros da familia. 

Felizmente em Março a temperatura já estava melhor, e podiamos sair de casa, devidamente paramentados com máscaras e alcool gel para aproveitar algumas horas de ar livre. A essa altura, a vida começava a voltar ao normal, transporte público, entregas, restaurantes, abertos com medidas restritivas e protocolos, faltando apenas estabelecimentos com maior concentração de pessoas, como shopping centers, parques e finalmente as escolas. 

Coseguimos aproveitar bons momentos em família, buscando recuperar nosso bem-estar e nossa saúde mental, embora em algumas oportunidades sentimos estar sob olhares suspeitos de alguns locais. Naquele momento, os chineses se encontravam seguros e os estrangeiros que chegavam respondiam pela maioria de casos de infectados, logo eram uma ameaça e embora nós nunca tivessemos deixado a cidade, eles não sabiam e alguns claramente temiam a proximidade. Em um determinado momento um pai chegou a remover seu filho do parquinho quando cheguei com minha filha menor, de 4 anos, para brincar. 

Maio chegou e voltamos as aulas presenciais, após 14 semanas de isolamento e ensino a distância. Protocolos e normas criadas e implementadas, almoço em sala de aula, máscaras, alcoog em gel, transito de corredores organizado, distanciamento, desinfecção de mesas e cadeiras, cancelamento de exames, e fechamos o ano letivo com outra situação reversa porém esperada: formaturas online. Nenhum pai era autorizado a entrar no campus, e nosso novissimo, recém construído auditório não poderia receber mais de 50 pessoas ao mesmo tempo. 

Enquanto isso nosso filho mais velho conseguia voltar finalmente ao Brasil, saindo dos EUA onde estudava e ultimamente morava com uma familia amiga, já que teve que sair do seu dormitório na faculdade, onde o risco era iminente. O contraste entre a vida em Shanghai, uma das cidades mais seguras da China e os EUA e ainda o Brasil, era tão grande que muitos não entendiam (e ainda não entendem) como que nós não precisávamos mais de tantos protocolos e de isolamento. O modo como os governantes de cada lugar trataram sua população e implementaram suas regras e protocolos fizeram a diferença.

A segunda metade do ano tornou isso ainda mais evidente, especialmente com o bloqueio completo dos vôos internacionais. Vimos de perto a batalha que algumas familias brasileiras amigas travaram para reunir membros que estavam separados a meses. Finalmente em Setembro muitos deles retornaram a suas casas e ao convivio de pais e mães isoladas. Infelizmente outros não tiveram tanta sorte, e muitos perderam seus empregos e abandonaram pertences sem poder retornar. 

Em nossa escola, alguns alunos iniciaram o ano ainda com aulas online, e ainda hoje existem alguns que não conseguiram retornar a nossa cidade. felizmente aos poucos os procedimentos restantes estão sendo relaxados e logo em breve teremos alunos e professores circulando normalmente entre nossos prédios e corredores, como a escola deveria ser sempre. 

De fato, nunca mais seremos os mesmos, afinal o que mais tivemos durante esses quase 11 meses de pandemia foram chances de aprender e evoluir, sejam traumáticas as situações ou não. Pessoalmente eu entendi que era necessário encarar essa combinação de fatores para rever valores, reavaliar hábitos e atitudes, desenvlover novas habilidades e reforçar os laços com aqueles que mais importam em nossas vidas. O ano acabou, entretanto não sabemos até quando isso vai durar, portanto é melhor não perder tempo. 

Cuidemo-nos uns dos outros, tenhamos resiliência, resistência e empatia, tudo isso com muito amor próprio e ao próximo, para que todos possamos sair dessa situação vivos. Usemos esse novo ano pare refletir e renovar nossa esperança em uma sociedade mais solidária, responsável e ativa, trabalhando juntos para um futuro melhor. 

Usem máscara! 

Feliz 2021.



quinta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2019

Article - Critical to invest in teachers’ professional progress

I recently collaborated in another Shine.cn article about technology in Education. Here is the link to the full story, and below you can read my participation.  I strongly believe that EdTech goes beyond the technical resources, and relies on teachers preparation to use them. 



Critical to invest in teachers’ professional progress

Every teacher I know has at some point used at least one technology tool in his/her teaching practices, whether it’s an activity, the usage of a learning management system, sharing of online documents or a simple online tool for content enrichment and review.
Ever since the first overhead projector was used in a classroom back in the 1930s (and the term “educational technology” was first coined in the 1960s), many different technologies have invaded the education space. This has allowed educators — who wanted to offer distinct and differentiated content — to employ alternative approaches to learning.
These tools have helped many education professionals to change and improve students’ learning processes. However, EdTech can be a big challenge for teachers, who require a broader and longer learning curve to master its extensive list of resources and to apply proper policies and implementation strategies.
The benefits of using EdTech tools are clear, and not limited to what we still call formal learning environments. The internet has become the most important educational tool nowadays, and smartphones are now powerful enough to handle long and real-time connections anywhere.
The current generation of students know how to make use of tech tools anytime, anywhere to the point that becomes second-nature.
This is a totally different scenario to what teachers faced previously. Some of the more experienced teachers are digital immigrants and have adapted to learn how to operate and benefit from technology, to transform it into powerful educational tools, and thereby altering teaching as a profession.
Nowadays, if there is no technology or something beyond simple data and knowledge transfer in the classroom, students become easily bored.
Thus it’s critical to invest in teachers’ professional development with regards to technology. They should be able to use coding, design, design thinking, productivity tools, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and virtual reality to teach all types of lessons.
Enabling educators to use the available and future tools becomes transformational and empowering. And the fact is, a happy teacher makes teaching and learning experiences far more pleasurable, engaging and satisfying.
At the same time, it also enriches any institution’s program and curriculum and helps bring the community together.

quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2019

First year of international Life

As my family and I finish our first vacation of our first year living abroad, It feels proper now to reflect on what have we faced, accomplished and how did we get transformed by the whole experience, as a family and as individuals.

Our first year in Shanghai was quite surprising. I was not creating any expectations rather than embarking in a new professional phase of my life, feeling already transformed by the chance of working and living in another country. But it all turned out to be extremely positive.


First thing, is to call our new apartment home. That was quite difficult in the first few months, as we adapted and tried to find the best way to cope with the changes. My wife and children took a while to start to naturally cal it home, myself as well. But with the help pf many friends, school staff, and of course, Wechat groups and TaoBao we found ourselves very comfortably settled in less time than we thought.

Our routine during this time had many ups and downs, another element in our adaptation that was not so good in the beginning but ended up being extremely positive. Days begun at 5:45am, which was not our regular time back in Brazil, and honestly even me being a morning person found a little harsh in a few moments.

On top of that was the new School, quite different from what our girls had before, becoming motive of some resistance and arguing, discussions about uniforms and shoes, and time for breakfast and taking the bus and other perks that comes with our choices. But even those moments at the end were not so bad, and after finding positive aspects and cherishing the good side of life and good perspectives, we found ourselves laughing and enjoying everything.


Life was after almost 10 months, turned out to be better, and full of great moments.

To complete our family happiness, my oldest son graduated from High School with many accomplishments, recognitions and a place at the University he so much wanted to join, in NY. We love him, his sisters look up to him and I hope he keeps positive as he faces his first adult life challenges. There is so much to discover and live, and I hope that my fatherhood skills pay off and he makes more good decisions than bad but most of all that he owns every one of them.


We end now our first vacation as expats, coming back to our city fully recharged, with great memories stories to share and new ideas to start a great new year. Guangzhou (Thanks Ricardo for hosting us!), Macau, Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Thailand, great places, food, people. I can't say enough how grateful I am for the experiences, the people that I met along the way and how lucky to have a family like mine I am.

 Looking forward to live the next school year in full bliss, valuing every moment, relationship and lesson that life bring up to me.

quarta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2019

Article - The Maker Culture Takes Over Education

Hello Everyone,

Here is my article published in The Shanghai Daily, last December 25th 2018.

Link to the original here: https://www.shine.cn/education/1812257238/


Maker Spaces: the present and future of schools

The concept of a Maker Space as a place in schools to promote creativity with a creation approach has never been so much in evidence.  International schools around the world have adopted this concept and introduced students to several different creative processes, using a variety of tools and approaches to arouse pupils’ imaginations to look for the next “what if” question?

With a broad spectrum of materials and elements to explore, from cardboard boxes and Lego blocks, wood work and foam, all the way to 3D printers and programmable robots, the pedagogical potential of these spaces is literally limitless. Students of all ages can explore creativity and execute cross-subject projects using and developing design and critical thinking and problem-solving skills, collaborating and sharing knowledge about meaningful topics, while using cutting-edge technology.

Some institutions might state that it comes with a high cost to embrace this culture and embracing the Maker adventure takes a gigantic effort to adapt curriculum, train teachers and bring parents onboard, but all transformative approaches and concepts do so.

The culture of creativity spaces in schools goes along the UNESCO 21st century skills report, incentivizing better practices for education around the world. Many institutions have tried to follow and foster this as educational best practices, placing the student in the center of its learning experience. Maker Spaces are a perfect vehicle in this sense and at the same time students have another way to find their natural skills and abilities.

I believe Maker Spaces are the present and future of schools, everywhere just because there is a model for every budget. Creative and design thinking can be developed with very basic materials, from recyclable paper and plastic to expensive laser-cutters. It might take several hours of work, planning and convincing. But as educators we know that when the students are happy, all the effort was valid.

sábado, 22 de dezembro de 2018

First semester in Shanghai in the books!

Yesterday, as the end of the year celebrations approach, I caught myself thinking and reflecting on how big of a change it was for our family, leaving behind relatives and comfort zones and embarking into a new adventure across the globe.

It was a very blessed and fast five months. Since August 3rd, there were so many experiences we went through, some peculiarly interesting but others not so much, but all very enriching and always with something new to learn. 

We lived in a Hotel room for the first two weeks, while seeking for an apartment. Trying to learn the basic of the language and negotiating rent with Chinese landlords (with the help of our HR of course) was not an easy task, but for sure it was fun for those watching. At the end we got ourselves a good deal, and we finally had a home in the city where East meets West.

Neighborhood is great, moving around is easy, with bus and subway nearby, so the weekends went with lots of exploration, visits to different supermarkets (people from São Paulo, you know we love grocery stores) trying to find what we are used to and exploring all alternatives. Okay, not every one, I let go the hundred day eggs. 

 Our School is great. We were warmly welcomed and felt at home right on day one, with many other new families from around the world, from Uganda to Ukraine. Even two of the current teachers spoke portuguese! A great start for a first time abroad family, and crucial to put everything in good perspective.

Tatiana, my wife, also did another great job finding and talking to the local Brazilian community, putting away a premature home-sickness for our kids, and helping us to adapt and find the best tips on Tao Bao, the major gift to humanity the Chinese technology could have ever given. OK, combined with WeChat. 

Anyway, we feel very blessed to be here, and happy to share our life experiences with so many different people, and also strengthening our family bonds. Next week everything will be even better, when my son Guilherme is coming to visit us for a while. We can't wait to see him!

Thanks to everyone that somehow was involved and made this possible, and as this is time to feel grateful and give appreciation to our friends, family, life and its journeys, we wish everyone near and far a Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year. May life be gentle to everyone, filled with love and care.

Feliz Natal!

domingo, 25 de novembro de 2018

Best Works of the year with Tech-Now

Hello Everyone, this year has been of great changes and full of accomplishments. Living in Shanghai so far has been great, and as the end of my teaching graduation course approaches, I want to list here the best of my work developed so far, as a reference for the future and to whom it may help.

Mobile learning project - Reduce reuse recycle - PBL

Link Here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eQ9iBaTvUXm-8DsHdm5AdvyhhqUFQ9brPl6uSlzSnSI

Wiki link: http://teachnowapril.pbworks.com/w/page/126592604/PBL-LuizZicarelli#view=page

Very proud of this project developed to collaborate with science teachers, totally infused with technology in many levels. Designed for 6th grade, cold be adapted for 5th or 7th grades depending on the technology resources and science concepts to be explored. First link is a presentation and the second link id the Wiki page with the description and rubric for evaluation of the project.

Student Centered Learning - Wiki Page

Link Here : http://teachnowapril.pbworks.com/w/page/126316646/Group%20Work%20-%20Activity%202%20-%20Claudia%2C%20Karen%20and%20Luiz

This was a group work, with Claudia Morales, and it was one of the best researches we have done during our collaboration. Detailed, well illustrated and it is of great use for me and hopefully for other teachers too!

Game-based learning - Math Class with drone!

Link to description here - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g_zT4IQ8nPiANEuQ-YkQcMZJn-9vBvUhb0oPD4UlaCU/edit

This was originally an idea from my former IT director Jack Kriss, that I helped execute and enhanced one year later, in collaboration with Ms. Murray 7th grade math teacher. Uses a Drone to teach Pythagoras theorem. Really cool!

sábado, 11 de agosto de 2018

Pre-Assessing to Differentiate

According to a number or research papers and articles, differentiation starts with pre-assessment. I couldn't agree more, as this tool identifies a number of characteristics from the students, regarding their existing knowledge, difficulties, even learning challenges they might have. 

Pre-assessments are also important due the fact that they can drive the teachers direction in that specific topic of the unit or subject, as well as to become important verification data for the post-assessment, after content is delivered and differentiation is implemented. 

Keeping the data organized in a format that you can insert more data and easily visualize the progress of your students is crucial (Gallavam, 2016), and provide grounds for us to implement all differentiation necessary for our classes, grouping students, applying different activities and bringing every student to minimal distance in knowledge (Pendergrass, 2014).

The graphic below shows how pre-assessment for differentiation can be used and implemented:

As I use this strategy, let's say that during my student's assessment there were 3 distinct groups identified. Here are examples of differentiated activities for my students:

Group 1 - 9 or 10 correct answers out of 10 questions; This group would receive a more challenging activity, covering the current topic being studied (e.g. Introduction to Excel, but adding the concept of formulas).

Group 2 - 6 to 8 correct answers out of 10 questions; This group would receive an extra time to execute the original activity described (e.g. Intro to excel, with cells concept, number formatting) and a glimpse of what is coming next, to keep their interest high.  

Group 3 - 5 or less correct answers out of 10 questions; This group would start with a fresh explanation on the concepts above, and the exercises would be executed in the I do, we do you do together, you o alone strategy. These students would be given more time as well, but if not enough, a homework or after school assignment will be given. 

At the end of the class, the same exit ticket on this topic will be given to all, and results will be compared and will serve as basis for the next class. This way I would see the progress and apply more resources and time to those in need, without leaving anyone behind. 

The main goal as always, is to keep the difference of knowledge and achievement among the students to the minimum, keep their interest to the subject high as well as their confidence and self esteem.